Main technical Specifications
  Circular head
  Complete units with screw and captive clamp connections
 Selector switches

Description Contact Type Scheme Reference
2 Position Stay put N/C Standard handle XA2-BD21
Long handle XA2-BJ21
N/O+N/C Standard handle XA2-BD25
Long handle XA2-BJ25
2 Position 1Spring return From right to left N/O Standard handle XA2-BD41
Long handle XA2-BJ41
N/O+N/C Standard handle XA2-BD45
Long handle XA2-BJ45
3 Position Stay put N/O+N/C Standard handle XA2-BD33
Long handle XA2-BJ33
3 Position 2Spring return to centre N/O+N/C Standard handle XA2-BD53
Long handle XA2-BJ53
Key switches(key n°455)
Description Contact Type Key removal Reference
2 Position Stay put N/O LH position XA2-BG21
LH and RH position XA2-BG41
N/C+N/O LH position XA2-BG25
LH and RH position XA2-BG45
2 Position
1Spring return
From right to left
N/O LH position XA2-BG61
N/O+N/O LH position XA2-BG65
3 Position Stay put N/O+N/O Centre position ZB2-BG33
LH and RH position ZB2-BG53
All 3 position ZB2-BG03
3 Position
2Spring return to centre
N/O+N/O Centre position XA2-BG73
Addittional/rep;acement contact block,screw and captive cable
For making up body assembltes with 3,4,5 or maximum of 6 comtact blocks of replacing lst 2ndconact N/O Clamp conncetion ZB2-BE101
N/C   ZB2-BE102
N/O ZB2-BZ101
N/C ZB2-BZ102
N/O+N/O ZB2-BZ103
N/C+N/C ZB2-BZ104
N/O+N/C ZB2-BZ105